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On-demand webinar series


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Supercharge Your School's Social Media in a Snap!



Engagement is the name of the game. If you want to reach more people with the stories from your school, you have to share the kinds of content that people want to interact with. This session will share easy ways of grabbing more likes, comments, shares, retweets, and double-taps. We'll share several ideas that you can put to work immediately that will dramatically increase impressions and awareness of the great things happening in your school.

Supercharge Your School's Social Media in a Snap! is presented by school social media expert Andrea Gribble, who along with her team at SocialSchool4Edu works with school districts providing the training, resources, support, and inspiration to make the most of social media in their schools.

Featured presenter:


Andrea Gribble


In addition to lots of great ideas, all webinar attendees get free downloads and a certificate of completion.

Sign up to watch on-demand